Monday, February 16, 2009

the beginnning...

I've finally finally decided to start blogging after years and years of not.  my wife jo has been the biggest inspiration to me, since she's been a dedicated blogger since she was old enough to surf the web.  and so here marks the beginning of my random musings about my hobbies and whatever.  but mostly i'll prolly write about more practical life-focused things which i call BKMs (aka best known methods - finding the most efficient/easiest ways to do things in life/at work) I encounter since it's been a growing interest for me the last several years.  (stay tuned for a dedicated BKM site which a buddy and I are working on!)

note: that i do write in the emily dickinson style of no caps and strange punctuation...,,,,===  so hopefully you're good with that.  :)



  1. ooh, i am a fan of no caps. strange punctuation, though? ;) i didn't realize emily dickinson did that, too.
